The Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards 2023

We always strive for excellence, and our awards are the proof!

Award: New Business of the Year 2023
Result: Finalists
The Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards is the UK’s largest and most prestigious awards programme that celebrates the cream of the crop across all industries, championing sustainability, diversity, equality and those that have transcended expectations and limitations throughout the year.

Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice - not chance - determines your destiny. The calibre of entries for this year's awards have been overwhelming not only in volume, but in their sheer quality. The spectacular level of submissions have come from a wide spectrum of dynamic industries, but with a real trend across the energy, recruitment, wellbeing, food & drink, and tech sectors, highlighting just how much the UK business landscape is thriving - despite the rhetoric of a nation on its knees.