Price Match Promise

Price Match Promise

As part of our Price Match Promise to our customers, we will match our key competitors’ prices for any of our products being delivered into the UK.

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We want to be the first place our customers come to for all their underfloor heating needs, that’s why we guarantee not to be beaten on price by our major competitors.

We know that price is important to our customers, so we actively monitor the prices offered by our competitors and adjust our own pricing accordingly.

Our price match commitment is simple:

'If you find a cheaper price online, we'll match it!'*

How to obtain a match:

If you would like a price matched, please contact us by any way that works best for you, including email or phone. Please provide a copy of the quotation from the competitor you are asking us to match or a link to the page on the website where you found the product cheaper so that we can validate the match.

*Please Note: Unfortunately we don't price match any of our existing stockists’ or reseller’s prices

All our products are eligible for a price match provided the following criteria are met:

The competitor's product is identical (or directly comparable*) to the product sold on our site.

The competitor's product is in stock at the time of the price matching.

The competitor’s price is lower after considering differences in shipping costs.

The competitor's price excludes volume or membership discounts.

If a price includes a voucher-type discount, that discount must be live and visible to all site visitors at the time of the price matching.

The competitor is not within our reseller program.